Second Collection 30th June
30th June is a special day of prayer for Pope Francis and there is a second collection called Peters Pence. This appeal, which goes back to Medieval times, supports Pope Francis’ mission from the proclamation of the Gospel to the promotion of integral human development, education and peace. Peter’s Pence also aims to support a range of charities which bring aid and comfort to the poor, children, families, the elderly, the marginalised, victims of war and natural disasters, refugees and migrants. Pope Francis said in a message for Peter’s Pence “The hope that we have been given never divides us from others. Instead, it is an extraordinary gift of which we are called to make ourselves ‘channels’, with humility and simplicity, for everyone. So our boastfulness is because we have as Father a God who opens his house to all human beings, beginning with the least and the most distant, so that as his children we may learn to console and support one another.” Exposition, Rosary, and Benediction There will be Exposition during which we will pray the Rosary in the evening of 30th June at 1700
St John the Baptist
Monday is the Feast of the birth of St John the Baptist. The church celebrates the birthday of only three people; Jesus, Mary and St. John the Baptist. Pope Benedict wrote that “John the Baptist had the profound humility to hold up Jesus as the One sent by God, drawing back so that Jesus might take the lead, and be heard and followed. As his last act the Baptist witnessed with his blood to faithfulness to God’s commandments, without giving in or withdrawing, carrying out his mission to the very end. In one of his Homilies the Venerable Bede says: “St John gave his life for Christ. He was not ordered to deny Jesus Christ, but was ordered to keep silent about the truth” And he did not keep silent about the truth and thus died for Christ who is the Truth. Precisely for love of the truth he did not stoop to compromises and did not fear to address strong words to anyone who had strayed from God’s path.” History of St Alphege Church
Last week I had the privilege to meet Eddie Hayward on the week of his 100th birthday. Eddie came to the Church to receive a blessing but also to revisit the Church he had helped to build during the 1950s. After leaving Naval Service Eddie worked as a stone mason with Longs the Builders and worked on The Manor Hospital now RUH, Bath Fire station, as well as on St Alphege Church. He was able to point out some of the areas he had worked on and the stone he had dressed. He bought with him his stone hammer which was worn down from the work he had done. I have put a picture of Eddie with his stone hammer on the notice board by the statue of Our Lady. Obviously, very many congratulations to Eddie on his 100th birthday. But also let us give thanks for all those whose skill, dedication, and generosity enable us to be here and worship today. You might like to make one of the suggested Bidding Prayers for this Sunday part of your daily prayers:
For policy makers and those in government: that they may come to discern more clearly that the infinite dignity of every person can never be lost even in what seem to be hopeless situations, and that however short a person’s life may be, that person is unconditionally precious. |
February 2025
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